Hey all,
Our beloved best friend, benevolent puppycat, and goodest boy was supposed to have a dental cleaning procedure tomorrow (4/14), but his bloodwork results came back today and it turns out he has hyperthyroidism.
I had noticed he was feeling a bit bony, but figured he was just aging -- he's 11, going on 3. ????
Hyperthyroidism can mask kidney issues (it did for my previous girl, Keelin, and I ended up giving her sub-q fluids daily for months) so I want to get him through Radioactive Iodine treatment ASAP, to possibly stop any kidney issues in their tracks.
He's still very active, spry, and the sometimes obnoxious little trouble maker he's always been. He's got many years left in him, and i131 cures hyperthyroidism. Like completely.
I don't have $2,500 sitting in my account, as much as I wish it was so.
I'll be throwing every penny I can spare at this to get him into treatment.
Please help me get our magical boy into the treatment he needs.
To anyone who donates, I'll send you a custom photo of Foo that only you have, and a thank you note with his paw print.
Please help me help my little fuzzy earth angel, Everybody's Best Friend ™, King Baby, Babylegs, Mistafoo, Teef to some, Prometheus to all. His time here isn't done, and he is so very special.