
First created

Enucleation (eye removal surgery) for Ellery


Ellery is one of seven tiny kittens rescued from a feral colony in Brooklyn.  Only when they were taken in, it was observed that she had a pretty serious eye infection.  He/she (Ellery is too small to determine gender) was taken to the vet to have in looked at and has been treated with oral anitbiotics (clavamox) and antibiotic ointment.  After aboout 5 days of treatment, it seemed that her eye was not improving.  Ellery was taken to the vet for a re-check and it was determined that his/her eye needs to be surgically removed immediately. Since Ellery is too young to be insured, it will be have to paid out-of-pocket at an emergency vet which is estimated at $4,000. Ellery's foster has taken on all seven of these guy and gals (no easy task) giving them round-the-clock feeding, administering medications, providing food and shelter.  She has already personally invested in four veterinarian visits for these guys  but needs some help to get the necessary urgent care that Ellery needs so she doesn't lose her vision completely!

Ellery is a tough cookie and is otherwise healthy, happy, energetic and LOVES to eat!  We love watching her play and want to make sure she still has a chance at a great quality of life, love and a lot more food!  No amount is too little to make a difference!

Update on Ellery:
Ellery is doing very well. She made it through the surgery well and is healing. Along the way there was a pneumonia, and the fear that she might even loose her second eye due to an ulcer and need another surgery on the eye she had already lost (they were worried some tissue might have been left behind). Luckily, thanks to a regimen of several different eye drops several times a day her eye is healing well and her wound is finally healing so no other surgery is needed for now. 

She has grown to over 2lbs and is full of energy and spirit. Even a cone and strict “bed rest” (as if!) is keeping her down. Next week is her final check up with the ophthalmologist but so far they are very happy with her healing process. Hopefully she’ll get the all clear and can finally loose  her cone and be with her siblings. Thank you all for your support - we truly appreciate it!

April 25, 2023

Campaign launched

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raised of $4,000 goal


